Give Thanks for Perspective

Thanksgiving is a season of gratitude, love, and thanks. This gathering prepares us for the holiday season ahead of us. The traditional feast and family get together is a wonderful experience, but can be hard for those with disabilities. Keep in mind, there is much to be thankful for despite living with an illness or disability.

Patient Perspective on Twitter

On twitter, Patient Perspective tweeted asking followers what they were thankful for this Thanksgiving Feastholiday season and what was challenging about Thanksgiving, while living with a
disability. I received an abundant amount of responses via direct messages. My followers explained  their gratitude and what can make the holiday even more enjoyable.

Make sure you follow, @POV_patient on Twitter! Continue reading to learn about ways to improve the thanksgiving season and to hear about what these individuals with disabilities are thankful for. You may even have similar thoughts, I know I do. Continue reading “Give Thanks for Perspective”

Dating with a Disability: Podcast by Brian & Emma

Love is for everyone

Dating is a risky and emotional journey that most individuals face. However, those withbriemma beach disabilities are faced with even more challenges when it comes to dating. Everyone wants to love, to be loved, yet those with disabilities struggle to find what they deserve. Continue reading “Dating with a Disability: Podcast by Brian & Emma”

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